Tuesday, July 1, 2008

...post after the storm...

well...guess its about time i posted something..before i get bugged to death!!
okay..so here are the few highlights dat hav happened!!

here goes everything!!

okay..on saturday the 28th of june i went to see the movie Get Smart in the morn!!
it was simply awesome!!
and the company was even better!!
man life sure knows when to surprise you with STUFF!!
oh and the French sure invented sumtin awesome..they sure are CREATIVE..XD!!
its a good movie..and its even better with friends!!

Met a friend in sunway later..turned out he went to watch The Happening..alone..poor guy!
but he seemed to have a good time!! met him for lunch and had a chat session!!
but alas..time flies fast when ur havin fun so...
sadly leave sunway after lunch before 3..oh well..i sure had a great time nonetheless!!
im sure YOU had fun too!!

had to force myself to go for BK (Bible Knowledge) at 3.30..was kinda tired..
but for the sake of the exam n mums coaxing..i went..and did pretty well on the exam..
considerin i havent gone for class for about a month..had so many things on durin the weekends!

went to sunway..yes AGAIN..at 6 to meet up wit my school buds..an indian guy and 2 chinese guys..to watch..YES a TAMIL MOVIE!! believe it or not!!
the movie is called dasavatharam ...yeah..

the movie was really awesome..not the usual tamil movie antics with the overload of song and dance..but rather a serious movie with a kickass storyline..hey if 2 chinese guys cld enjoy it..
im sure you will too!! it was super funny..action packed..had a hot actress (DUH!)..and lots of violence..neatly wrapped up in the most perfect package!!
a real EPIC and super entertaining..

and today..yes..haha i finally got my P license!! whee!! im so happy!!
now i can officially drive around!!
and guess what..i have been ordained as my mums personal DRIVER!!
oh well i gotta gain her trust..and i do need the experience..
so count my winnings and go with the flow!! woot!!

REALLY GOTTA THANK HIM for gettin me thru all these tribulations..
without him and all you guyz for support..man life would be a chore..
well datsit for now i guess..

post soon..i hope!!

laterz and stay rockin ya'll!!


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